[Port][N][UPDATE]MIUI 9.6 Beta Final v8.4.26/27 for Xiaomi Redmi Note3 Pro

Üzgünüz bu konu cevaplar için kapatılmıştır...
The Wifi in Miui Pro Beta 8.4.19 doesn't switch on after sometime and have to reboot to make it work. Hotspot also works only after reboot.

The same probem is present in Miui Pro Stable

Please fix the WiFi.
Mr. UserXp, could you please release your great patch for MIUI.AM v8.4.27 ROM?
Could u guys please tell me which is the most stable rom for 2gb ram variant.
teşekkürler ustam
Destek için tüm liinkler günlük tıklamaya devam :)

Hey guys All links for support continue to be clicked daily, dont forget!
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Tepkiler: ismail863
@liubalex Sorry if it sounds like a noob question but can anyone please explain what does @UserXP 's patch contain or what does it do? How is it helpful? Just a genuine question. :)
teşekkürler ustam
Destek için tüm liinkler günlük tıklamaya devam :emoji_slight_smile:

Hey guys All links for support continue to be clicked daily, dont forget!
Destek.icin teşekkürler ancak linke tıkladıktan sonra skıp ad tiklayip reklamı gecmeyince
hiç bir işe yaramıyor :)
Mesala dün 400 görüntüleme var ancak tıklama 30da kalmış :p
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Tepkiler: neolaki
@liubalex Sorry if it sounds like a noob question but can anyone please explain what does @UserXP 's patch contain or what does it do? How is it helpful? Just a genuine question. :emoji_slight_smile:

the main advantage for me lies in the fact that UserXP patch makes the RAM usage greatly optimized thus multitasking become much smoother without significant lagging. Moreover, this patch adds extra features like face screen unlock, UI tricks etc... In other words, this patch makes ROM much more responsive and good looking.
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Tepkiler: iamMG
the main advantage for me lies in the fact that UserXP patch makes the RAM usage greatly optimized thus multitasking become much smoother without significant lagging. Moreover, this patch adds extra features like face screen unlock, UI tricks etc... In other words, this patch makes ROM much more responsive and good looking.
Thanks for the information.
Just one more question. If I install that patch but don't find it useful is there a way to revert back instead of flashing the ROM again?
Thanks for the information.
Just one more question. If I install that patch but don't find it useful is there a way to revert back instead of flashing the ROM again?

Yes, UserXP usually releases, too, Recovery Patch which returns back the system. Otherwise, you can just flash the ROM itself once again and it will erase all UserXP patch trails.
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Tepkiler: iamMG
[QUOTE = "liubalex, post: 163282, member: 80288"] Mr. UserXp, could you please release your great patch for MIUI.AM v8.4.27 ROM? [/ QUOTE]
Previous patch by @UserXP is working fine on v8.4.27 for me
Xiaomi.eu 8.4.26 Sürümü Eklendi .
Global Beta Sürümü 8.4.19 dan sonra güncelleme almadığı için Bu Sürüme Bildirim Paneli Yaması Yoktur 8.4.19 Sürümüne ait yama çalışıyor ancak aramalarda çağrı sonlandırınca cihaz kendini yeniden başlatıyor .
Miui.am ve Xiaomi.eu için Başka sürüm paylaşılmayacaktır
kısa süre içerisinde miui.pro 8.4.26 da eklenecektir
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