süleyman' Alıntı:sürekli media.process durdu hatası alıyorum romda. onu nasıl cozerız
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Bernard Teorica Marquez' Alıntı:i ported your aypone Sir.. and its success..why is it some of apps are Duplicating? like Sim toolkit and play store??
and HOW CAN i fix if there is a new Message when i read it?? it starts at the Beginning Not on the New message?? you need to scroll down to view the New Message
atasayar' Alıntı:hocam bu romda ART desteği varmı?
birde xposedde gravitibox işlev görmüyor. neden acaba?
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Bernard Teorica Marquez' Alıntı:i ported your aypone Sir.. and its success..why is it some of apps are Duplicating? like Sim toolkit and play store??
and HOW CAN i fix if there is a new Message when i read it?? it starts at the Beginning Not on the New message?? you need to scroll down to view the New Message
Zad' Alıntı:Rom iyi de bi güncelleme gelse hic fena olmaz cift sim desteklese iyi olur